Commemorating the demise anniversary of the heroine of Karbala, the ornament of her father, Lady Zainab (peace be upon her)
Lecture Title: Seeking forgiveness from Allah
Quran Sessions
Speakers Sheikh Hamam Nassereddine Sayyed Mohammed Talib Topic Quran Sessions Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 865 6387 0708 Passcode: 247558
Daily Ramadan Q&A
Sheikh Hamam Nassereddine Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 865 6387 0708 Passcode: 247558
Night of destiny (Laylat Al-Qadar)
Brief plan for the nights of destiny (Laylat Al-Qadar): Performing the amaal that should be done on each of the three nights (Two rikaa prayer, Duaa Rafa Almasahef, Duaa Al-Tawassul and Ziyara Imam Al-Hussein). Reciting Duaa Al-Jawshan al-Kabeer. Reciting Duaa Abu Hamza Al-Thumali. The programs of the three nights of Al-Qadar will start at 11:00 ... Read more
برنامج مركز الزهراء الاسلامي لشهر محرّم الحرام
برنامج مركز الزهراء الاسلامي لشهر محرّم الحرام قال الصادق (ع) احيوا امرنا رحم الله من احيا امرنا. ستقام مجالس العزاء الحسينية لمركز الزهراء الاسلامي اون لاين كل يوم اعتبارامن الاثنين الموافق 09 – 08 – 2021 ولغاية يوم الاحد الموافق 22 – 8 –2021 وعلى البث المباشر عبر قناة المركز على الزووم واليوتيوب وكالتالي: 1 ... Read more
Majlis Husaini
Lecture topic: Mocking People Live stream Links 1- You tube channel: 2- Face book:
Commemorating the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali AL-SAJJAD (Peace be upon him).
Live stream Link: 1- You tube channel: 2- Face book:
Majlis Hussaini
Live stream Link: You tube channel: Face book: Lecturer: Sheikh Hamam Nassereddine